Thursday, December 29, 2005

Morning Walk

That’s me! For people who don't get to see me on a daily basis. Some of you who haven't seen me for sometime would have trouble relating me to what I was like earlier.

I just wanted to share some details of my morning walk with you today. I getup around 5:30 in the morning and proceed for a 50 minute walk. It makes me happy to recollect that in the past 70 days there were only two occasions in which I missed my morning walk. In the beginning it was such a pain to get up in the morning for the walk, but over a period of time I started to look forward to it.

I generally walk in the jogging track around our apartment complex, a good 11 rounds, each round measuring around 360 meters. If it is a Sunday, I generally go to a far away place called Deeptisreenagar, a calm and serene colony, with a scenic natural lake and a group of temples on a hillock. I at least spend a couple of hours roaming there. I will get you some pictures of that place this Monday.

Morning walk has been judged as one of the best forms of exercises that we can do. If you have any myths about the amount of calories that you spend in an hours brisk walk, please wake up. You generally spend around 3 calories per minute while brisk walking, that would be 180 calories in an hour and if you jog, that would be 5 calories per minute amounting to 300 calories in an hour. You have to spend around 6000 calories to loose a kilogram of weight. People who jog or walk in the morning don't control their eating. Actually, what you spend brisk walking, you gain by eating 3 medium sized apples or 4 spoons of sugar or edible oil.


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